Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Anticipation

I know, I'm terrible at updating. I blame not having a great camera as I feel the need to put up pics when I write to illustrate what I'm talking about. :) So Mark and I will work on the great camera part, particularly now that we have the best reason in the world to need one!
But we took some pics with his smart phone and that worked well, so I thought I'd show you  our flat. I may be about 9 months pregnant, but by golly, one has to have a fabulous Christmas tree and a dear friend helped us get ours last Monday. It's been fun adjusting to different traditions and trees over here. Sometimes it's quite trying but at Christmas it's been lovely. Mince pies and mulled wine are something Americans need to check out and no English home is complete without them at this time of year. But does that mean that my Christmas cookies are extinct? By no means!!! (As you'll see below) I'm all about the marriage of two cultures (obviously) I grew up getting a Grand Fir each year with our family. And I'll just toot my own horn here and say that I usually was the one to find the 'perfect' tree. I do miss those tree hunts, and the snow that went with them, but have discovered that England can give me a lovely substitute tree! It's called a Nordman fir and has the same gorgeous dark green shade as the Grand, but it's got the build and strength of branch of a Noble. So it's basically the perfect tree as I have some rather weighty ornaments. :)
So our flat is decorated, all cookie plates have been assembled and three candy cane coffee cakes are in the oven as I write. What's left? Well anticipation of course!! And not just for my favorite holiday. We'd really like a little boy to enjoy our tree on Christmas morning as well. :) We'll keep you posted!