Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And Colin figures out why all the pink has showed up

So two became one. Then two became three. And now two has become four. Now, most of you know how rubbish I am with math, but if you think about that, I am correct. :)
Two weeks ago we welcomed Chloe Elizabeth Julia Wilson into the world! Born on the birthday of my lovely grandmother, our little girl now seems as though she has always been part of our lives. She is sweet, there's no other word for it. Little kissable lips and big blue eyes that are already very keen and interested, very like her brother at that age.
Mummy is quite pleased to have the girl/boy tally evened out as well as having an excuse to buy tiny girl shoes. :) Colin got lots of cute little boy shoes, but seems to have serious ethical objections to wearing shoes--ever. I think he believes he was born into a tropical climate as he also frequently objects to trousers and can be found triumphantly waving them in the air, shortly after being dressed. Our recent heat wave has been Colin's style exactly as he has basically lived in his diaper.
But he has loved being a big brother and Chloe is enduring some vigorous hugging and pats on the head. He likes to pat her back to help her burp and point to her nose and eyes and then to his own.
Yes, it's been an adjustment from one child to two, but to be honest, we're finding it relatively smooth. I'm sure the big challenge will come from two to three, but we'll cross that bridge, when, Lord willing, we cross it. :)
So here she is!!

Our sweet tiny girl

Big brothering

My little face

The fam!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Again, it's pretty terrible how I neglect this, but I really have a pretty good excuse this time. We moved, we totally revamped the new yard, painted in the house, went up North, hosted a Father's Day celebration bbq, had a friend stay for 10 days and went to Salisbury for an ordination. Oh yes, and I'm uber-pregnant. Is that enough? Do I pass? :)
I speak rhetorically though, as all those things are actually not the topics here.
Now that I have a moment to sit and reflect, I thought I would share what God has placed in the forefront of my mind.
My daughter is to be born Lord willing, on the 16th of this month by c-section. As it happens this is my grandmother's birthday, and all things point to it being her last on this earth. It is quite possible that Grandma may not even make it to that 89th birthday. And so as I get heavier with my child and very ready to say hello to her, I also have a heart getting heavier as I get ready to say good-bye to my last
My heart is not heavy in despair. It is the natural sadness that all dear partings produce. But I am reflecting on the seasons of life and the way God has particularly put them in sharp relief this time around. I prepare to welcome a new life to the world likely within days of my Grandmother entering a new life of eternity with Christ. How's that for God's storytelling? Die to live. Emerge to new life from the womb and emerge to new life from the tomb.
Each time I've stood on a train platform in the last few days, I ponder the great metaphor it is for this parting. Lewis got that very well and both Grandma and Grandpa Garfield loved his writing. My grandfather's gravestone reads 'This is the Morning' which all you Narnia lovers know is from "The Last Battle". My grandmother has waited for 11 years to join my grandfather in that morning and it looks as though it is dawning.
We'll tell our daughter about the woman whose birthday she shares. She won't meet her in this life, but she'll have a very special connection to her for all her days. We pray that our daughter will walk in the footsteps of one of the most godly women I've known.
We love you grandma--your dream is ending, your morning is coming. Enjoy the rising sun and the Risen Son. We'll hug you on the platform and watch you board. The tears are temporary.