Friday, November 5, 2010

Bopping about Bath with Bryony

I know, I'm a sucker for alliteration. But I'm a former lit teacher who can't help herself. Thus, the title. But I thought I should post pictures of my first exploration into the city of Bath, which is a mere 15 minutes from Bristol by train. I went about a week ago with a dear friend I have made here in order to see a photography exhibit. We enjoyed it very much and then proceeded to wander into Bath Abbey AND got free fudge, hand made in a shop near-by. (Which then prompted me to BUY some more and enjoyed it hugely. :)) So here are my first Bath impressions!


  1. Carolyn, it's been such a delight to discover your blog! I've enjoyed reading about your English adventures. We'll be traveling a lot around the holidays, but it would be lovely to get together for some Shakespeare reading soon -- perhaps early in the new year?

  2. Your pictures are wonderful!!!
