Sunday, March 27, 2011

Adventures in England Part Two: The colors of spring!!

Hello again Hobbes, Madeline, Amara, and Asa! We are all in the season of spring now, but it looks VERY different for us doesn't it? Hobbes and Madeline can go barefoot now and they have some beautiful flowers blooming. But Amara and Asa are still getting some snow, and their flowers are just peaking out from under their dirt covers. Over here in England, Uncle Mark and Aunt Carolyn are enjoying lots and lots of beautiful flowers. It isn't as warm here as it is for Hobbes and Madeline, but it is very similar to Cannon Beach. Do you remember Cannon Beach Hobbes and Madeline? It has a very big rock in the ocean and you like to draw in the sand and chase the waves. But it also has lots of beautiful flowers even though it isn't very warm. But it is near the ocean just like England and so it has lots of water and the flowers like that. 
I thought I would show you all what our spring looks like over here. I get to see these flowers every day!

I would love to have this many daffodils in my garden!

This made me think of magnolia trees in the South! I think it is an English cousin

This would be very pretty in Madeline or Amara's hair don't you think?

These are some sort of apple blossom.

This is a very BRIGHT flower--what color is it? 

I needed to have some spring INSIDE the house too!

These are in flower boxes in the city

While these were growing in a flower box outside someone's house

And this is what a daffodil looks like if you are a bug on the ground looking up!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What magnificent pictures. And we still have little bits of snow left...
