I felt it was appropriate that I spent my SECOND Easter in the UK at Cambridge. You see, my first one was in Oxford, that O so fateful Easter when I met my husband for the very first time. I didn't know that at the time of course. I just enjoyed talking to Daniel's best friend and then went on to have a lovely visit in England with Brooke. But here we are, two years later, and we are spending our lives in this country. So, to have our second Easter together at the other great institution that makes up the term "Oxbridge" was rather poetic. And the weather seemed to agree with us.
It was gloriously warm--so warm, that Brooke and I went barefoot most of the time and I got my first sunburn. Do explain to me how England can get up to 78 F in APRIL, while back in the Northwest, people are just happy to see sunshine? Hmmm? I don't quite get these weather things. Maybe it's global warming. Ha! :) Of course, I blame global warming for most of the daffy political things that happen too, so maybe it's not. Maybe it's just God being generous with fantastic weather at the most important church event of the year.
We punted on the river Cam (again appropriate as we punted the Isis in Oxford two years ago) and toured various Cambridge institutions. We went to Ely Cathedral for Maundy Thursday and I was staggered again by the glorious architecture all over this small island. AND I accomplished perfect macarons for Easter! Yes, due largely to Brooke's convection oven, small little buttons of joy came out perfectly and we devoured them in a shameful manner for tea on Easter Sunday.
We had roast lamb, I got to wear my first Easter hat since 12 years old (by golly, someone's got to bring hat's back and when is a better time than Easter??? No answer? That's what I thought. :)) colored brown eggs for the first time, and we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord in style among English and American friends. So here are some glimpses of our magnificent time in Cambridge!
inside the lovely grounds of Ridley Hall |
Someone decides to be as cute as possible |
Loving the punting |
We let the guys do all the work |
Brooke making good things |
and with the final product |
Aren't those just lovely? We had so much fun seeing the way the brown shell affected the color |
My beauties |
Daniel made this pavlova! |
After church in the garden. Mark got a new tie, I got a new hat! :) |