Thursday, April 14, 2011

Macarons: ALMOST ecstasy :)

So, batch three was so bad, I couldn't even face posting pictures. However, I was more than obscurely pleased to discover today that my oven is badly off base. We called in a professional who informed me it is indeed 30 degrees higher than its stated temperature. Given this bit of information, I am quite pleased to present batch number FOUR which I made yesterday and literally sat in front of the oven to watch so as to ensure quality. They were a smidge too sticky inside, but that is due to this oven business and you wouldn't know they stuck a bit unless I told you. Which I just did. So I will make ONE more batch next week to see if I can do this consistently. I also switched the recipe I used and I like this one more as it seems to produce a sturdier and smoother cookie. So without further ado, I give you batch four:
See the little crumbly looking part at the bottom of each one? That is called a 'foot' and is EXACTLY what a  proper macaron should do. :) Also that beautiful smooth shiny top is what a proper macaron should do. I almost kissed the tray. :)

And this is how the French serve them--in sandwich form. 

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, those look AWESOME! You should post *your* recipe once you get it all hammered out. I've seen pictures of these things and never knew what they were. Now I want to try.
    Love the color, too. I just painted a desk more or less that color. Very springy.
