I thought it would be good to initiate my very first blog with a post
before I travel to England and my new home in Bristol. I have always had the idea of blogging once I was married, lurking around in the back of my mind, and behold the time has come! Computers and I still have a shaky relationship at best, and I am still figuring out the intricacies of setting up a blog, but my youngest sister has been extremely helpful in getting this started, so here I am!
It may strike you as odd that I am travelling on my own. This is for the very good reason that I had to wait for my British visa to arrive in order to go and join my husband. You see,
I am American and
he is British (Irish-British just so we're being accurate here) and thus numerous paperwork hurdles had to be overcome in order for me to join him in the lovely British Isles. In fact, so much paperwork was done, I feel that if I laid it all end to end, I could walk from Moscow, Idaho, to Bristol upon it. But it is finally complete and tomorrow I board a plane for my new country. This is not to say I am forgetting my original country or renouncing citizenship. Far from it. As the song says, "I'm proud to be an American" but I'm also pleased to go and live in our mother country and call it my home, because my heart is truly there.
So this blog shall humbly chronicle our life in England and the adventures my husband and I intend to have beyond British shores as well. We both have a yen for travelling you see, and so we intend to go forth and view as much of the world as we possibly can. This may involve dragging various offspring around with us so that we can all gawk at things historical, cultural, and gastronomic.
But in this post I shall bid my beloved home country farewell. Roots are difficult things to pull up when they go deep, and I am finding this hard to do. At the same time, good strong roots can be transplanted successfully and flourish in a new place, and I look forward to flourishing in a country that has the joys of tea, Chesterton, Oxford and of course, her Majesty, the Queen.
Good-bye dear old US of A. Until we meet again...