Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pictures of Bristol

So, as promised I am posting pictures of a jaunt I took last Wednesday. I'm happy to report that Mark's computer is healed and looking very nice after its stay in hospital. :) Last Wednesday I was getting ready to do my daily walk and was feeling a bit tired of my typical route. It then occurred to me that I do have options and could just hop a bus to walk about the more historic parts of Bristol's city center instead! So I grabbed my camera and a map and did just that. It was a glorious day and likely the last of the warm ones we'll be having this year. Here I am a week a later posting this, and as I write it is raining and cold. But I like that contrast and intend to go walking today too in raincoat and gloves! :) I think I'll take the camera again and perhaps post a contrasting jaunt.
I liked the arches. This is just a side street in older Bristol

Lovely pond on the way up to the top of the hill with Cabot Tower

And the Tower itself

I loved how this was all laid out

View as I approached. Everything really is that green.

I don't know what these are called but I love them

View of St. Mary Redcliffe from the hill

Mark's school is near the church that Queen Elizabeth I called the 'goodliest, fairest church in England'

Lovely sailboat on my way to St. Mary Redcliffe

I've been inside the church before, but am never tired of how lovely it is. And they had some gorgeous floral arrangements that day.
As you can see in the photos, Bristol has some lovely areas. I like the area around Cabot Tower as it is a beautiful park and affords some of the best views of the city and harbor from the top. And yes, it's named for John Cabot, famous explorer, who spent a lot of his time in Bristol.


  1. Beautiful photos! Those red and purple flowers are fuschias, by the way. My grandmother always had a pot hanging by her front door during the summer.

  2. Thanks sweetie! I love the sailboat and the church especially. I hope you can do some painting on those cold, wet days. Love you!

  3. Oh my darling niece - I just love reading these entries and want to be walking around with you, rain or shine and "bopping" over to London for the day! Life is so busy here now that time will not be anytime soon so you are safe for awhile. I pray for both often and love you.
